Friday, 15 January 2021

It Is NOT The End Of The World....Trump Was Impeached.... The Polar Vortex.... Covid-19


REVCATHY’s BLOG Post   January 15, 2021

Mid January and all is not well in the world- pandemic
continues to be the most discussed topic, Trump was impeached again, and the polar vortex is heading our way. But what can we do about any of these matters? Now that we are in further lockdown with stay at home orders after 8 pm we need to take time to evaluate our abilities in these times. The snow will come if the winds push it to your area. President Joe Biden will become the next president on January 20 and the spread of covid19 will stop if we do what health unit leaders tell us. Stay home wear a mask outside and wash our hands.

So where is the Good News in this? It is found in that we are not the ones who have to oversee everything. Many of things we tend to worry about or which raise our anxiety levels are matters which we as individuals have no level of input to bring about change or resolution. So why do we worry? Because it is in our nature to do so for we are human and care for others and we want to be sure that others are all right.

Jesus tells us in Matthew 6:25 “Do not worry about your life, what you will eat or what you will drink or about your body what you will wear Is not life more than food and the body more than clothing?”

People worry about outcomes and resolutions after surgeries, after conflicts and discussions and often with this is a time of waiting. One can only imagine how Jesus worried when he learned of his life’s purpose—to die and rise again for the sake of the sins of others. He even asked God to ‘take this cup from him’. But then he fulfilled his purpose and we have received forgiveness of sins through him.

As we reflect on this wintry day, what are you worried about and are there possible resolutions to the problems? Maybe it is the need for food or shelter or paying bills. There are people who are willing to listen and assist you in your needs—just ask.

Maybe you are worried because you are feeling down because of the lockdown and continued pandemic along with the uncertainty of where we are heading and when we will all receive vaccines. Again we cannot fix the large problems, but we can do something. We can pray; we can offer to God the concerns of our hearts and minds and we can pray that God will take care of all of these things and more!

And then Jesus states.  ”But strive first for the kingdom of God and his righteousness and all these things will be given to you as well. So do not worry about tomorrow for tomorrow will bring worries of its own.  Today’s trouble is enough for today” (v34)

Each day is a new day to praise God and a new day when we learn of other people and situations for which we can ask God to help. Each day brings its own set of worries, but we are people of faith and we need to trust God to show us the way to seeing Jesus’ way as the way to love.

Yes, it is mid January and the clouds are covering the sun. But the sun will shine again and we are and will be renewed in faith and hope because God continues to show his love for us. Are we willing to meet Jesus and see Him as our Saviour? This is Good News indeed- Jesus died for our sakes. Are we willing to offer him our lives in return for the gift and hope of eternal life? Remember to pray and tell God what you are worrying about. He will see you through all of this and more!

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