Friday 5 April 2019

Lent- Easter 2019 “Why Did Jesus Come?”

Lent- Easter 2019 “Why Did Jesus Come?”
April 3, 2019

                Mary Magdalene did something that no other human person
did. After the days of darkness when Jesus’ body lay in the tomb, Mary is the first at the grave and she will be the first to see the risen Saviour.
                Mary went to the garden broken hearted but went with a devotion that surpasses the certainty of death. She was hurting- the rabbi her teacher and guide was not dead. She was truly grieving Jesus’ death and not anticipating anything but doing the tasks of caring for the dead body. She loved Jesus and was filled with faith. She would come to know what crying in the night and then experiencing the joy of the morning.
                So when Mary arrived at the tomb and found it empty she was not grieving but was afraid. She ran to tell the disciples because she was afraid someone had stolen Jesus’ body. Returning to the tomb with Peter and John she began to mourn again. The death she had witnessed would have been called traumatic but now Jesus’ body was gone. Peter and John left to return to the rest of the disciples not really knowing what was going on. But they too were afraid.
                Mary was in the garden and crying. But then when Mary looked into the tomb and saw two angels in white sitting, one at the head and one at the feet where the body of Jesus had ben lying. They asked, Why are you weeping?”  She answered—“Because they have taken away my Lord and I do not know where they have laid Him.” At this, she turned around and saw Jesus standing there but did not recognize him. Jesus asked her, “Why are you crying?” Whom are you seeking? Mary thought this man was the gardener and wanted to know if he knew where Jesus’ body was. But then all Jesus said was “Mary.” She knew who it was… Rabboni Teacher!
                It is significant that Jesus appeared to a woman first. In first century women were generally viewed as being of low value and considered of little or no importance—but not to Jesus. He valued women and treated women with a dignity and honour the world of that day would have found shocking. Mary was broken hearted and grieving and wept at the side of the tomb. When she looked inside she saw the angels sitting where Jesus’ body had been. Their appearance was amazing but she only asked them about where Jesus body had been taken. Then turning around Jesus was in front of her but she did not know him.
                But when he spoke her name—she knew Jesus. She was shocked with joy. She answered teacher, master, equivalent of my dear Lord. She was no longer afraid she is in Jesus’ presence and he is alive!

Questions for Reflection
How important is it for you for someone to call you by name and to say it, spell it or write it correctly?  Jesus says Mary and her grieving turns to joy. Jesus knows Mary and she knew him because he said her name.
Jesus knows you  and calls to you like a shepherd knowing his sheep. Are you answering his call to hear the good news of his resurrection?
God of grace and love we praise you for Mary’s faith and hope; for not being afraid to enter the tomb and for grief to be seen by others. Mary did not know the gardener was Jesus but we know that He is the Saviour. Help us in this Lenten season to know who Jesus is as we remember his teachings of love and that he died for us. Amen.
Bill Crowder, For this He Came Jesus’ Journey to the Cross Grand Rapids,MI:Our Daily Bread Ministries, 2019

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