Monday 25 March 2019

Why Did Jesus Come?

Lent- Easter 2019 “Why Did Jesus Come?”
March 27, 2019

Life Death and new life. Jesus’ purpose was to redeemer a fallen human
race. In order to dot his Christ had to do something unimaginable- kill death. He had to kill death dead and in order to do this, he himself had to do this. This is what the cross was all about. Killing death.
Jesus took sin’s penalty so that the guilty could be free. Romans 6:23 “The wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ.”
One of the people who was closest to Jesus was Mary Magdalene.  Mary had been possessed by seven demons and yet through Jesus she was changed. She became a devoted follower of Jesus who walked in faith. Her life, values, priorities all had been changed. She did not want to be separated from Jesus and so she stayed with him when many others had left.
Mary Magdalene stood strongly at the cross. Heartbroken and devastated Mary stayed and witnessed the brutality of the cross and Jesus’ suffering. She needed to be with him along with other women.
When we walk through Lent are we walking far behind Jesus or in true devotion like Mary Magdalene. Mary’s life had changed because of Jesus and she trusted him so much she wanted to be with him always. And so she stayed with him even when he was on the cross.
As we reflect upon Jesus coming to us, do we devote ourselves fully to him?  Jesus came to save sinners- he healed many from afflictions, but he also healed people from their own poor choices. As we continue to learn about what this Lenten journey means for us—are we really wiling to understand that he came for us- you?
Out of Love for us O God you gave us Jesus. But turned away from his teachings as they felt threatened and insecure in their own way of thinking and learning. They were unsure of what it meant and means to be Christian just like us today. Yet in this Lenten season we can focus on Jesus’ as the one who came to save us. Like Mary Magdalene we need Jesus’ guidance and strength every day and so we ask O God that you would help us to discern who we are and what we might be able to do through faith and with hope. Guide us we pray as we continue to discern why Jesus came. Amen.

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