When Religion Fails
“Blessed are the poor
in spirit for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.”
Matthew 5:3
Butler-Bass’ cites the years 2000-2010 as “ because of
the many challenges faced by the church through outside influences, long-term
problems and issues of justice. There has arisen a ‘holy discontent’ which is
the beginning of change. This discontent is not only in the church but
politics, economics, and life in general has raised concerns. But what also
occurred is that there is a longing to find a community where a more just and
loving form of Christian faith is enacted.
The Horrible Decade” for the
Christian church in the US
question of religious versus spiritual has taken on new forms of the church’s
life. Good worship- leads to spiritual encounters; but religion is the work of
a church and is organized. Can these two co-exist—the religious and spiritual?
The purposeful community learning to become like Jesus through spiritual
practices. It sounds possible but in reality, this ‘and’ concept may cause
further divisions and conflict.
we need to turn to the root of religion—‘religio’ for it means faith, living,
subjective experience including love, veneration, devotion, awe, worship,
transcendence, trust a way of life, an attitude toward the divine or nature,
or a
“particular way of seeing and feeling the world.” This ‘religio’ is what
many people are seeking and calling it spirituality for lack of a better term;
something new that is really old—faith which is the personal response to the
terror and splendour and living concern of God.”
Bass then states that this faith is ‘a Great Returning to ancient
understandings of the human quest for the divine. Reclaiming a faith “where
belief is not quite the same thing as an answer, where behaviour is not
following a list of dos and don’ts, and where belonging to Christian community
is less like joining an exclusive club and more of a relationship with God and
Question for Reflection:
1) Do
you think that Butler Bass is correct in thinking that we are looking for
spiritual growth vs religion of the past generations? What does spirituality
mean for you and what are you seeking in your relationship with God?
2) “Religio”
reflects a Great Returning to ancient understandings of the human quest for God
and to return t the basic questions of believing, behaving, and belonging and
exploring each of these with an open heart. What is your response to this
thought? How do you anticipate how this “Great Return” will play out today?
Holy God in faith you call to us
and rejoice in our following you with faith. Help us to understand the changes
facing our churches/ governance and even who you call us to be in mission and
ministry. Show us your way to grow in faith and speak to us a clear path to
follow for we are seeking to be your children in faith and to grow knowing that
you will guide us always. Amen.
Diana Butler-Bass Christianity
after Religion: the end of church and the birth of a new spiritual awakening. .New
York Harper2012 (chapter3)
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