“Now choose life so
that you and your children may live and that you may
love the Lord your God, listen to his voice
and hold fast to him.”
Deuteronomy 30 :

is also true today of religion and specifically three big questions of what is
meant by church. Believing, behaving and belonging are under stress in terms of
what it is we are called to do and it is in answering these questions which
enables us to glean information so that we may make informed choices.
what do I think? People do believe in God but they appear to think differently
about God. Is God ‘a person ‘with whom people can have a relationship or is God
an impersonal force”. Or maybe God is really God based upon where God exists in
relationship with people—Authoritarian, Benevolent, Critical, Distant (ABCD).
Just what do we/ you/I believe? And how is this belief in you developed?
How should I act? What do you do and how do you practice your faith? People say
they attend church services regularly- yet churches are not full? The reality
is that people attend less regularly and when people pray they are doing so in
different forms or ways not only what was once learned and shared in services.
Who am I People’s sense of belonging is not particularly stable People are
checking things out in different congregations, churches, mosques and synagogues
to ultimately answer the question of who am I as a child of God.
is occurring is that people” begin to doubt their sense and sanity and they
search for new gods, new ways to perceive and comprehend the power that guides
the universe.” What results is that that there is a new beginning; signs of
longing in the midst of the discontent.
Religious activities include behaving, belonging and believing. Thinking of your own life has your religious activity changed in recent years/ months? Why? What does this mean to your faith growth? What do you believe is directing this renewal of faith?
Religious activities include behaving, belonging and believing. Thinking of your own life has your religious activity changed in recent years/ months? Why? What does this mean to your faith growth? What do you believe is directing this renewal of faith?
Holy God in you we have our being-
but through faith we come to know you more intimately and about the Gift you
gave us in Jesus. Please speak to us now so that we might know and reflect a
new way to understand our faith, belief and love for Christ. In Jesus’ name we
pray. Amen.
Diana Butler-Bass Christianity
after Religion: the end of church and the birth of a new spiritual awakening. .New
York Harper2012 (chapter2)
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