Speaking Christian-Salvation
Exodus 15 :2
Luke 2:11-14

May be you have
entered into a church setting and heard the words salvation, heaven, hell, sin,
forgiveness and wondered what was really happening in this building and why?
Some churches speak of love and caring brothers and sisters and you realize
that they are not related at all. But this is the language spoken by Christians
and for many people today under the age of 40, this language being shared is as
if a foreign language has been said out loud. The words are not understood and
the concepts are just not clear.
There have been many studies completed on how
people are biblically illiterate but get the message of what is being shared. That
is, people may not know where the teaching is in the Bible, but the message is
very important to them. A sense of belief is not always apparent but what is
often shared is the reasoning or rationale for the belief. We live in a prove
it society and science overtakes belief. So a big concern is that we are losing
the language of how to speak Christian and understanding what we mean as we
share the Christian message.
For the next few
weeks we will look at our Christian vocabulary and prayerfully explain their
“Salvation”- is a
word used throughout the Bible but not necessarily about the afterlife. In the
OT story of the Hebrew people being liberated from bondage, salvation is
defined as the moment when God makes a path through the sea, the Israelites
pass through and the sea rushes back and drowns Pharaoh’s army. A hymn celebrating this deliverance is sung”
The Lord is my strength and my might, and God has become my salvation.”
(15:2) In this story, salvation involves
liberation from economic, political, religious bondage. The people of Israel shaped
their future because of this salvation.
was born to bring peace on earth and to transform the world into a place of
peace and justice. This too is salvation- when we ourselves are transformed and
so is the world in which we live and as believers in Jesus we believe this
transformation begins in faith. Salvation has different meanings based upon its
context. To believe in Jesus as the Saviour- the One from whom we receive
salvation means that we have faith in Him enough to bring personal
transformation as well as change in the world.
Salvation comes
when we are transforming our lives in faithful love and service. Do you believe
in the One who enables salvation for you?
Holy God help us to understand these words of faith. Enable us to reflect and know that salvation come from you and that with it we are in a process of changing and transforming ourselves into whom God wants us to be and become. Hear our prayers O God. Amen.
Are you saved? Is a common question asked regarding ones’ salvation or transformative process. To respond depends upon what really is being asked. But how would you respond?Is being saved in past present or future? Has God already done all that is necessary to save me? Do I presently live in a saving relationship with God.
Have I already become all that I might become?.
For further
reading, Marcus J. Borg, Speaking Christian.(Detroit: Gale Cengage Learning, 2011)
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