January 15, 2014
Rev Cathy
with Jesus
The true light that gives light to every one was coming into the world.
John 1:9

The mother replied, “But you are a big girl, I
need you to walk a little faster so we can get to the store before it closes.”
little girl replied, “But why faster- the best part of shopping is just getting
to the store with you. It is the walking time when you hold my hand and I hold
yours. Just like we do at school.”
do you mean?” the mother asked.
know, when we have to line up two by two and hold hands with our friend when we
go to the gym or the library. The best part is holding hands and walking.”
is that?”
we are walking with our friends and can talk quietly.”
mother then said, “Yes I guess you’re right. The best part is walking to where
we are going. And I am glad you are walking with me!”
worship theme for the Season after Epiphany is “Walking with Jesus” and we are
focusing upon what it means to be in a relationship with our ‘friend’ Jesus.
What kind relationship do you have as you walk with him in your daily living?
What kind of relationship do you share? Who is leading or following? Or are you
walking side by side? Who decides the way to go? What does this relationship
look like?
we walk with Jesus we need to walk where his light shines and will shine
through you. Jesus might lead the way to a place where you are walking behind
Jesus into the unfamiliar. Jesus might follow you because you know the way your
are going but need his direction and gentle support. And Jesus might just walk
beside you in friendship and love chatting as you go. Or Jesus might just pick
you up and carry you. It depends upon what is happening in your life, and where
your relationship is.
you believe in Jesus as the light- for Christ shines in the darkness than
you’re relationship with Jesus leads you where Christ will lead and guide you.
You will not walk in darkness but where the path has been lit and you follow.
But if you do not know Jesus as the light- sent from God, who was and is God-
then you will walk in a way that is uncertain. But how will you see? Where will
you look? What path do you follow?
Many people who have committed themselves to
serving Christ say they walk with Jesus but in fact what really happens is that
they let Jesus walk with them maybe if the path that they are going on is
really their own way.
God of grace we pray that we are and will walk with
Jesus in the path He illuminates for each of us. This path is the way you have
called us to be and become your children and to grow in relationship with you.
Help us to understand what walking in Christ’s light means each day. In
Christ’s name we pray. Amen.
Walking with
Jesus= do you really enable Jesus to lead you? Or are you letting him pick you
up as you go your own way? As we
consider how one may “Walk with Jesus” in these next weeks reflect and think
how your journey is going as you live day to day. Describe your relationship.
Are you letting Christ’s Spirit to speak to you as you walk?
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