Speaking Christian-God
Acts 17:28
Psalm 139:8-10

And God also
refers to a sacred presence all around us- a reality that is more than the
space-time world of matter and energy, ever as it also is present everywhere
and permeates everything in the space-time world. God is right here and even
more than right here.
God as being- is
separate and distinct from the universe. An example is how we address God- Our
Father in heaven. Or God is a personlike being—who loves us and yet is an
authority figure. Often referred to as He/ Lord/King many churches are using
more gender inclusive names for God. But no matter how we refer to God, God is
real and for believers, God exists
beyond themselves.
Yet God as a
sacred reality is all around us and within us. Acts 17: God is ‘The one in whom
we live and move and have our being.” We are in God. We live within God. We
move within God. We have our being within God. God is the one in whom
everything that is exists and is a reality that encompasses us and all that is.
God is present everywhere.
Theologians Paul
Tillich and Karl Rahner affirm this understanding of God who contains
everything and is contained by nothing. An idea first presented by Irenaeus in
200. This notion that God is not a being separate from the universe but a
sacred presence all around us strikes some Christians as unfamiliar, even
strange. And there are many other ideas now shared about God.
What do you think
about Moses discussion with God? God is “JHVH”_ I AM WHO I AM? What do you understand about “God”?
here—there- everywhere? Divine presence, intentional ,interactive? Who is God
to you?
God of all we
praise you for you call us to listen and hear, and see and do. Enable us to
understand who you are for today and call us to discern who are may be in our
lives tomorrow. We believe in you help our unbelief and not understanding.
Reveal yourself to us we pray. Amen.
If you were to
encounter a person who had never heard the word “God” how would you explain God
to them? What is your understanding of God in your life? Do you believe in this
higher power who also dwells within the lives of believers?
For further
reading, Marcus J. Borg, Speaking Christian.(Detroit: Gale Cengage Learning, 2011), p.