“Call Him Immanuel”
Isaiah 7:14

why do we honour this newborn child? This Son of God and human baby? Prior to
Jesus’ birth in a stable it had always been God over us, above us, and before
us. God was experienced on a mountain, in a temple and in clouds. But never was
God with us before. God wanted to draw near to His creation and to enable
people to choose to follow Him even though sin had entered. Jesus left heaven
and his mission was to save the human race. In order to do this God became
flesh as Jesus an infant who would grow up and teach us the way to be
reconciled and made new. Jesus came to know what it was like to be human- God
with us- and he knew what sin caused others to do and say. It was Jesus who
gave himself as the person who would save his people. But He was also God and
would rise again.
came down from heaven and lived amongst people teaching, preaching and healing
as the spirit lead him. And through his life’s mission he fulfilled the
prophecy of the one who would save his people.
still does save his people and picks them up and enables them to navigate
through this life a little easier and a little more confident. This is because
Jesus is with us- always.
God of grace and love you gave to us Jesus to come in
flesh and dwell amongst people. Jesus is God with us- and for this gift we are
grateful. For through Jesus’ life on earth we learn how to live and love
others. Yet we also know when we have failed to do what you ask. Forgive us and
enable us to know You- as Creator, as Immanuel as Spirit. Enable us to find the
real Spirit of Christmas in the blessings of Jesus. Amen.
Jesus is sometimes
described as “heaven’s child” He is also the Son of God, Son of Man and Saviour.
What is the significance of Jesus being heaven’s child for you? Does Jesus
being born of a human mother and conceived of the Holy Spirit enable you to
draw closer to God? Why?
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