Wednesday, December 4, 2013
Rev Cathy
“Possessing the Real
Christmas Spirit”
Luke 1:26 to 2:40

you read the story about Jesus’ birth you will soon realize that the Christmas
spirit has nothing to do with the trees, lights, poinsettias and decorations.
If you removed these as well as the food, presents, and music you will find
that you would still celebrate Christ’s birth and experience this spirit. It is
found when you put yourself into the story and reflect upon what the shepherds
did to glorify God. To see Mary pondering Jesus’ birth and to wonder what
Joseph thought about God’s Son now born and in a manger.
The real Christmas Spirit is
something we each search for- even those who have lived their entire lives as
committed Christians. It is in that certain something that calls us to look
more deeply into our thoughts and feelings and to see Christ not as a helpless
infant, but the one who taught us to show our love in what we say and do. It is
something that re/connects us with God in a new and renewed way and gives us
hope for tomorrow.
Depending upon your age and
experiences ‘the best Christmas ever’ is often only a memory of one thing that
happened when you were a child. But the best Christmas is really the one in
which you are prepared and ready for- when Christ Jesus comes again and you are
not worried about the tree, presents or anything else. Just feeling and knowing
that Jesus is with you as you look to those whom you love and love you, as you
remember those now with God and as you envision Christ in the room and sitting
and being with you. How do you know if you have the Real Christmas Spirit?
Gracious God you are the Giver of the Perfect Gift in
Jesus. Help us to search for Christ and to see ourselves in the story of His
birth. Help us to listen again with new ears and understanding to what it means
to love as Christ loved. Enable us to find the real Spirit of Christmas in the
blessings of Jesus. Amen.
Each year people go through the actions of
celebrating Christmas but are unsure of what it is all about. How will your
Advent and Christmas preparations change in light of your renewed sense of
finding the real Spirit of Christmas?
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