“Unrealized Logic of Prayer”
Romans 8:26-28
Likewise the Spirit also helps in our weaknesses. For we do not know
what we should pray for as we ought, but the Spirit Himself makes intercessions for us with groanings which cannot be
uttered. (vs.26)
Last in this Series on Prayer—Oswald Chambers, “If You will Ask”

The disciples were good people and
well versed and taught to pray in Jewish tradition, yet when they came in
contact with Jesus, instead of realizing they could pray well, they came to the
conclusion that they did not know how to pray at all and as Jesus to instruct
them in the initial stages of prayer.
We too become conscious of our words,
body positions and even preparation for prayer and we will often be afraid of
praying out loud. But why? Because we hinder our life of devotion when we lose
our independence to pray with confidence. We rely on the Holy Spirit for prayer
is. And in these verses from Romans, Paul uncovers the truth of what we need to
remember. The whole source of our strength is receiving, recognizing and
relying on the Holy Spirit.
We often will say “I don’t know what
I should say”. Yet if we pray in Jesus’ name we come into the presence of God
because Jesus made this closer relationship with God possible. This is also
true of praying in the Spirit. If the Spirit of God is in us, we are able to
approach God in a way that draws us closer to Him than first thought. This is
because we have made a connection with God and it is now growing in truth and
knowledge in us- through the Spirit and in Jesus.
What is your connection with the
Holy Spirit and prayer? Do you make it easy for the Spirit to work out God’s
will in you or are you putting the Spirit aside by empty requests? Do we bring ourselves into obedience of
Christ when we ask in His name for what really is in our hearts? Or do we know?
If you ask, do you wait for an answer?
Remembering that your intercessions
can never be mine and vice versa, and that the Holy Spirit makes intercession
for both of us, do we worry about the
words we say needlessly? Let us reflect on the depth, height and solemnity of
our calling to be God’s children and pray as we ought—to God the Father, Son
and Holy Spirit; in the name of Jesus Christ,
as the Spirit intercedes and through God’s grace. Praying is working
together for the good of all so let us do so and ask in faith.
Gracious God we
praise you that we may ask and you will answer our prayers. We thank you that
we are yours through faith in Jesus Christ who lived a life of prayer, who
taught his disciples to pray and through whom we pray to you. You call us to
pray to you so that we may be shown how to live following your example, and how
you enable us to be and become your faithful people. We thank you for these
words of wisdom written by Oswald Chambers many years ago, but still so
relevant to us and our faith development. Bless us O God as we continue to grow
in faith and in love. We ask in Jesus name, knowing that the Spirit intercedes
for us. Amen.
Quotes from Oswald Chambers
“If You Will Ask: ch 12 The Unrealized Logic of Prayer.” Please note that this
book was first published under the title, “If Ye Shall ask” in 1937.
Oswald Chambers
first wrote these thoughts in the early 1930’s and his thoughts were published
in 1937. How relevant are his thoughts today for you and for Christians as we
seek new opportunities to grow in faith through prayer?
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