“Prayers of Intercession”
Genesis 18:25-33
Ninth in a Series on Prayer—Oswald Chambers

Have you ever been in a situation
where you hoped people were praying for you, that is interceding on your behalf
before God? Maybe it was when you were ill, taking treatments, grieving the
death of a loved one, feeling alone and wondering what was to become of you.
When you ask others to pray for you, you are asking them to speak to God and
bring about a change in your health. But the question is what should we ask for
as Christians?
Chambers writes, “We are all
Pharisees until we are willing to learn to intercede. We must go into heaven
backward.” We must grow into doing some definite thing by praying not by
seeing.” It is a Christian’s duty to pray not to himself or to others, but to Christ.
Prayer must be thought of as
essential work in order for us to grow and understand our daily living. When we
pray intercessional prayers we are to let God decide what will happen all we
can do is pray on behalf of the other person. If a person has sinned greatly-
we can pray for his/her forgiveness but
it is up to God. When a person is very ill we can pray for healing but it is up
to God to bring about change and we must be aware that is God’s will that
decides. Healing we must also remember includes death unto new life.
We might say that God knows the
things you have need of before you ask. But the purpose of prayer is to get to
know God- truly know him and it is in this that we struggle through until we
see that He is love and justice. We are to pray and not only for our needs but
for the needs of others. And through our praying we will come closer to God.
Quotes from Oswald Chambers “If You Will Ask: ch 10 Intercession
Have you
experienced others praying for you? Have you prayed for others and told them
that you did? It does make a difference in our lives when we pray because we
focus on others needs instead of our own. Praying for others moves us from our
needs to those of others but we must always remember that we need to let God
answer in his time.
Consider praying
for someone you know who is in need right now. Pray and then tell them you will
continue to pray for them. Not only will they be lifted up to God you will be
too. This is the power of prayer.
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