“Parable: Prodigal Son;
Loving Father”
Luke 15:11-32

A man has two sons- one content to
remain at home and the other restless to see and experience the world using
what would be his inheritance money. The younger son went away and squandered
all he had in wild living. A famine came across the land and having nothing he
needed to work. He was hired out and worked with pigs. Thinking on his new lot
in life he ‘came to his senses’ and realized his need to return home. His
father filled with love welcomed him home with loving arms and with a party. But
his brother was not happy for when he heard from a servant that his father was
throwing a party for his son which was now at home he became angry. He refused
to attend the party even at his father’s request. This son would rather not
have fellowship with his father than accept his father’s treatment of his
brother. But he father’s love is because his is gracious and rejoices over the
found son.
The loving Father God is gracious
and rejoices over all his found children. God wants to have a party when each
of his children return to him through faith. No matter what you have done, you
can come home to God, be forgiven and God will celebrate in your being found
again. God welcomes those who realize that they need Him and he welcomes them
with outstretched arms, and shares in a celebration of love.
We do not know what happens with
this family. Did the older brother to go the party? This is not shared because
this is the question God sets before the Pharisees and us. Do we accept or
reject God’s gracious treatment of the most unworthy of sinners in light of the
fact that we need God’s grace? The possibility is that we can be in God’s
fields as servants but not really in His house because we do not really know
God as Father- who welcomes us and loves us.
Loving God- like a
parent who kisses our wounds better, supports us when we are weak and guides us
with wisdom, we come to you. We were lost but are not found in you as renew our
faith and love for you. Call to me and I will follow. Speak and I will listen.
Love and I will
love in return. Amen.
Quotes from Gary Inrig, “The
Parables: Understanding What Jesus Meant” 1991.
The Prodigal Son
is a favourite parable of the many that Jesus told. Often in the telling of
this story the focus is on the younger son and the relationship with his loving
father. As we think of the older brother’s feelings and not even being notified
that his brother had returned, how do you think the brother felt about it all?
How would you convince the brother to attend the party?