Wednesday, 19 June 2013

Purpose of Prayer

”Purpose of Prayer”
I Timothy 2:1-8

In Paul’s letter to Timothy he states that everyone should pray for everyone—kings and leaders in authority so that all may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and reverence. But why should we do this? -Because this is a desired practice of God and Christ Jesus who is a teacher in faith and truth. Paul asks that we should pray everywhere and lift up our hands without ‘wrath and doubting.”
But what good is prayer? What does it accomplish? Why should one pray?
Oswald Chambers  served as a YMCA chaplain during World War I  and after a few days in Egypt he announced that there would be a week night religious service in the camp just outside Cairo. Over 400 men packed the hut to hear him speak. What were the men searching for? What did they need?--a reality check and to reach out to God. Oswald Chambers stated,” When a man is at his wits’ end, it is not a cowardly thing to pray, it is the only way to get in touch with Reality.”
            Why pray? It is not a part of the natural life but does one truly suffer if one does not pray? This is doubtful but if one does not pray, what does suffer is the life of God in us which is fed by praying.  Prayer nourishes the life of God. Jesus prayed and was in contact with God the Father in open dialogue throughout his earthly life. As Jesus’ followers we too are called to pray even though God knows the things we need even before we ask. Prayer gets us to know God not asking and getting things. The purpose of prayer is to reveal the presence of God equally present at all time and in every condition.
            When was the last time you really had a heart- to God talk? A deep time of prayer where you tell God everything he already knows and clear your mind and you feel calm. This is the kind of prayer life we should be seeking because this is the relationship nourishment we need as we face difficult and busy days. This is the Reality we need—to know God as He knows us and the best way to do this is to pray every day.

Quotes from: Oswald Chambers, “If You Will Ask: Reflections on the Power of Prayer”

Why do we need to talk to you God? You know everything there is to know about me. But I do need to pray and so I start:
 O Lord this day keep my soul focused upon you as Creator of the world and upon our Lord Jesus Christ as Creator of His life in me. May your Spirit in me adore you completely-- Change my heart o God and enable me to do your will. Amen.

What’s the Good of Prayer? Why do we need to pray--- Luke 11:11
Why must we do it? Luke 18:1   How can we do it? James 5:16
Prayer alters circumstances through you…Do you believe this?

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