”The Simplicity of Prayer”
Matthew 26:38
Second in the Series on Prayer—Oswald Chambers

often do we say to ourselves- I’ll take time to pray after I do a certain task
only to be thrown off from that particular action and of course not set aside
time to pray?
How often do we
think I’d better look after this phone call before I speak with God only to
realize afterwards that praying would have helped more from a personal point of
ought to give much more time than we do to dwelling on the fundamental truths
on which the Spirit of God works the simplicity of our Christian experience.”
This means that we need to focus on the Spirit in our lives and our belief in
Christ’s death and resurrection for our sakes.
calls us to pray because we need to prepare ourselves for whatever we shall
face- challenges or opportunities, celebrations or disappointments. And knowing
that Jesus called his disciples to “watch and pray” enables us to also sit with
our thoughts and reflect prayerfully to God about what is happening in our
then enables us to walk and not faint,
to be strengthened and encouraged to do as we are called by God.
Quotes from Oswald Chambers “If You Will Ask: ch 2 The
Simplicity of Prayer”
God how good it is
for me to know you! How vital it is for me to draw near to you! How can I
falter when you are my Life? Enable me to watch and pray, and trust and follow.
In Christ Jesus I pray. Amen.
How focused are
you when you pray? Do things like a phone ringing or a bird singing break your
concentration when praying to God? Or are you so absorbed in your thoughts and
feelings that what is taking place around you is left unnoticed?
Jesus said to
watch and pray. Do like him. Focus your eyes and heart on him and you will
notice a difference in your life each day.