Your Heart”
Acts 16:9-15

But what does opening one’s heart
really mean in light of understanding of faith, commitment, and trust today.
Often we hear of people who are in relationship with each other and how they
open their heart to each other with the hope of long lasting love. Not always
does this work out positively as hearts are broken. But what is really
important in this is that there is a willingness to be vulnerable, to trust, to
explore a relationship and to grow in this relationship with another.
enabled Lydia’s
heart to be open to the message of the Spirit as Paul told Jesus’ story of his
passion, death and resurrection. Her heart was open as she was seeking to
listen and desired more knowledge as she experienced Christ’s love. And she was
new to faith and her excitement was shared with her household and all were
baptized as believers! All because God opened Lydia’s heart to listen and to
receive the Spirit she and her household were forever changed.
God opened your heart to receive Christ’s Spirit? Has God enabled you to listen
to Christ’s story of unconditional love? Have you received God’s blessing and
love? Are you willing to share of
yourself and your love of Christ? This is a test of faith and a means of how we
may grow in God’s grace and love. Why
not ask God right now to open your heart so that you will listen and know
(again) Jesus?
God, open my heart to listen to your Word for me today. Enable me to breathe
and be calm knowing that your Spirit guides me each day. And help me to learn
more about you in your Word just as Lydia did. Open my heart and enable
me to receive you. SILENCE> Amen.
Lydia was a worshiper of God and had been listening to Paul as he taught.
God opened her heart to listen with an even more eager heart. She became very
faithful to God and to the message of Jesus Christ. How eager are you to listen
to Christ’s message to love and to receive His peace as you share with others
with hope and joy? How willing are you to seek to grow in your relationship
with Jesus? These are the questions which call us to be vulnerable, to be
humble and yet they also call us to rejoice in faith and with hope. How do you
respond to these ideas?
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