Thursday, 16 May 2013

Filled with the Spirit

”Filled with the Spirit”
Acts 2:4

Pentecost is a wonder filled celebration of the Christian Church. On Pentecost, the disciples had gathered together and the Holy Spirit came amongst them not quietly but with the rush of violent wind and it filled the entire house. Divided tongues as of fire appeared among them and a tongue rested on each of them. This caused the disciples to speak in other languages. Many people in the streets heard conversations in different languages and these people questioned what had happened. They were confused and even thought the disciples were drunk because of how and what they spoke. It was the Spirit of God which touched these followers of Jesus. The Spirit which Jesus promised would come and live in them. This Spirit is a comforter also because even though Jesus is with God the Father in glory, he still stands with the disciples and all who believe.
The Spirit comes amongst the disciples and brings comfort. The followers of Jesus did not know what they would do next. But it is the Spirit which supports and encourages them to tell Jesus’ story. IT is the Spirit who is with them as they experience this new ministry and it is the Spirit which leads all in the mission of the church.
The Spirit calls us to follow God’s path for us. Our spirit joins with God’s Spirit and we are lead in His way.  The Spirit blows throughout our lives. We need to be understanding where this Spirit may lead us and follow.
Wonderful God, we praise you and thank your for your Spirit which comes to be our comforter as followers of Jesus Christ. Help us to understand the Spirit’s movement and path so that we might live out lives of justice and peace. May your Spirit come to us O God. Amen.
            BLOG QUESTION:
Pentecost is the celebration of the coming of the Holy Spirit to the church. It occurs 50 days after the resurrection of Jesus at Easter. But in the time of Jesus, this Pentecost celebration occurred 50 days after Passover and was known as the Jewish harvest festival.. The streets of the cities would have been filled with visitors from various countries for this celebration within the Jewish tradition. When the Holy Spirit came, the disciples were together and given the gift of speaking in different languages and those on the street heard words in their own language. A gift to a traveler in a foreign city ,but also a gift to the disciples who were filled with the Spirit and being lead into what God had in store for them.
Pentecost is also known as the birth of the Christian church because of the presence of the Spirit. Does knowing what occurred on that first Pentecost- Jewish harvest festival day make a difference to your understanding of the Holy Spirit coming to be with and in people of faith? What does this mean for you?

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