”Celebrating the Church”
Acts 2:42-47

Glenwood United
Church celebrates its
anniversary at different times in the spring depending upon scheduling of a
Guest Speaker and other activities of the church.
This year we are
recognizing the church’s 58th anniversary as a community of faith in
South Windsor. Last week we shared with our
friends from the Windsor Korean First Presbyterian Church in their church’s
celebration of their 5th anniversary which was an enjoyable day of
food, friendship and laughter. But it is when we focus on why the church exists
that we truly find meaning in these celebrations. If it were not for Jesus
teachings and death and resurrection there would not be a church- a place of
gathering to learn and share and become knowledgeable about and in Jesus.
Yet we know that many churches today
are closing, the faithful of many years are growing older and dying and younger
families just don’t seem to be wanting or seeing the need for the church
community. But when people do come to a church and become a part of the church
family they realize how important this community of believers is to them and
how important it is to learn about Jesus.
We are a consumer society which
focuses on individual needs and wants and how to obtain these. But the church
is different because individual needs are not what we try to fulfill. What we
are trying to fulfill is the need to be a person- that is making human
connections. Why is it important to see certain individuals each week? Because
through their relationship with Jesus you may learn and understand who Jesus is
for you as a person. And this understanding leads to a deeper relationship with
God as the Spirits dwells within. It is also important because there are people
who are alone- some do not come in contact with others unless they come to
church. Some people do not receive a hug from week to week or any other type of
affirmation and acknowledgement because they are alone. And some people just
need to know that others care.
The church is a gift from and to
God. When people share together in faith it is an opportunity to grow in faith
and in devotion to Christ. The question is are we really wanting this or just
seeking what “I” can get from the church. This question alone leads us to what
it means to be a part of the church family. Are you celebrating the church in
your life? How do you know?
God we pray for your church around the world where brothers and sisters in
Jesus are working to bring about peace and hope and where love is being shared
in devotion to Christ. We ask O God that you would help us discern the role the
church family plays in our lives and help us to know that we are important
members of a family of faithful people. Enable us to share and show this love.
We ask in Jesus name. Amen.
The church’s one
foundation is Jesus Christ her Lord. Another important part of the church’s
foundation are faithful people who will help us as we live our daily lives
filled with celebrations and changing moments of grace. What role does the
church play for you, if any? Are you seeking your own agendas/ wants/ relevance
or are you there to grow with God’s Spirit as a person looking for meaning and
relationships with others.
Is it a ‘me’
focused placed or a ‘we’ centred place to be. This is the primary concern for
man of our churches; but somehow we tend to forget it. We are called to love
others in Jesus name. What do you think about this individualist vs person