Wednesday, 21 December 2022

Simeon and Anna

 Simeon had waited for the Messiah to be revealed. God had told him that the Messiah would come before he would die.  Simeon received this message from God as he spoke to him about the Messiah. 

Does God still speak to us? Maybe not in the way Simeon received God’s message- directly; or even by God’s messengers the angels which is what occurred with Joseph and shepherds. But God has spoken and still speaks.

According to the writer of Hebrews 1:1-2: God speaks to us through Jesus.

In the past God spoke to our ancestors through the prophets at many times and in various ways, but in these last days he has spoken to us by his Son, whom he appointed heir of all things, and through whom also he made the universe..

God’s promised messiah was fulfilled in Jesus. Simeon believed in God and was a righteous and devout man. The Holy Spirit was upon him. The Spirit guided him to go into the temple and when the parents, Mary and Joseph brought the infant for presentation under the law, Simeon took him in his arms. He praised God. He had waited his whole life for this moment! How many times had he asked God when? He was probably frustrated and discouraged by the plight of his people and God’s seeming slowness to do anything about it.

But in this moment, he is holding the child Jesus, the Messiah! He praises God “Master you are dismissing your servant in peace—for my eyes have seen your salvation which you have prepared in the presence of all people, a light for revelation to the Gentiles and for glory to your people Israel.”

Simeon is overjoyed at holding the child. Simeon blessed his parents. To Mary he said, “This child is destined for the falling and the rising of many in Israel and to be a sign that will be opposed so that the inner thoughts of many will be revealed and a sword will pierce your own soul, too.”

Simeon knew that Jesus was the one born to save the

people. His encounter with Jesus was brief but God’s promise to him was fulfilled. He saw Jesus the Messiah and his prayer was answered.

As we celebrate Jesus’ birth into the world this week what might we be anticipating? What prayers are we asking God? Maybe just maybe your prayers are not what you need answering at this time. Maybe what we are in need of needing is an encounter with Jesus. To feel and hear his presence as we look to Jesus in the manger and as we see him as the Saviour.

Christmas brings joy to the world through the expected hope one might have in Jesus’ birth. But we must believe. How are we to discern what this joy is about? It depends upon who we are and where we are in believing Jesus as the Infant, the child of God or saviour of all.


God of advent joy and Christmas wonder, we praise you for unexpected hope found in the birth of Jesus our Saviour. Help us to pause and reflect upon you and your Son Jesus. Help us to love as we seek your joy and wonder and as we learn about you and your creative hands. We praise you for your gift to us in Jesus the Infant King and the joy and wonder of all things in this life. Bless us O God as we anticipate our encounter with Jesus. Amen.

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