Wednesday, 7 September 2022

The Post Pandemic Church


What does the post-pandemic church look like today?

If you were to ask some people, they might simply ask, why? What does it matter what the church looks like today? Others, will say it is a more caring group of people who are intentional about the ways they reach out to others. And still others,  might even say that the church died well before the pandemic!

But the church is not dead because God is alive and at work in the hearts and minds of people who have faith and believe. They believe that there is Creator who in turn created people who have been given the ability to think, reason and feel. IT is through the generations of people that we are where we are in human history. God enabled people to think and feel, to research and discover what no one thought of even thirty years ago. But here we are in 2022 thinking and feeling beyond limits.

Yet the church is still present- the need for the church has not changed in over 2000 years. People need to connect with God and with each other to share in what is known as ministry. We need to reach out and care for others in the way of Jesus. The church has changed and evolved based on the needs of people and will continue to do so. But we must be willing to move forward in faith as Christ leads.

Franklin Graham was recently in London, England preaching in the “God Loves You” tour. Prior to his preaching, British broadcaster Piers Morgan invited him to appear on his television show. In the conversation, Morgan stated, “Times are changing. People are changing,” shouldn’t he (Graham) reconsider his stance on important social and Biblical issues. “We’ve moved on so much from large swaths of the Bible, he said. Graham responded,” God doesn’t change. He’s the same yesterday, today and forever.” But Morgan had revealed the very heart of the world’s spiritual problem: Without the authority and reliability of God’s Word we would all be without hope.”

And this is why the church of Jesus will continue—we all need hope.

Just reflect for a moment, from where does your hope come?  Psalm 121 “I lift up my eyes to the hills- from where will my help come? My help comes from the Lord, who made heaven and earth?”

Our hope is in Christ Jesus for he will guide and lead us today, tomorrow and into the future. Are you willing to learn more about Christ and follow where He leads? This is the future church in action. Come and connect- know that God loves you!

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