“I AM”
“I am the way, and the truth and the life”. No one comes to the Father
except through me.”
John 14:6

Jesus taught about who he was to
the people all who listened in the synagogue. He also states that they have
studied and scriptures diligently just as he has and these words teach about
the Messiah. Yet those listening do not believe nor do they want to believe
that these scriptures are written about Him. He then taught that if they did
not believe that He is the messiah they would indeed die in sin.
People knew who Jesus was
because of the miracles he had performed, the healing of sick and of his
teachings. Yet they still wanted more proof. And what did the Roman soldier say
at the cross where Jesus died? Surely this was the Son of God.
In kindness and love we who are
Christians want to think that everyone will be present in heaven one day. Yet
there are people who do not believe in life after death, nor heaven at all. But
as Christians we believe because Jesus made this possible. Through his
teachings and the stories recorded about his life on earth, we believe he is
the Son of God, who came and died for us. But we must believe that He is the
way to God, because He is God. No one else claimed this, because no one else
REFLECT: When Jesus said “I am the way” he stated that
he is the way to God, the way to live life and the way to fully understand our
life’s purpose. Are we willing to trust Jesus as the way to knowing God and
fully experiencing God’s love for us all. What does this mean for you as you seek
Christ in your life?
May God bless us
as we seek to know Christ Jesus as God’s Son, the “I AM”. Teach us and show us
your way of life as we continue to love others in His name. Amen.
suggested through “I Am the Way: The Amazing Claims of Jesus” by Jack
Kuhatscheck, ODB Ministries, 2018)
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