Tuesday 8 May 2018

The Message of the Angel

A Rumour of Hope
Wednesday, May 9, 2018
The Message of the Angel
Mark 16:1-8

                Jesus is no longer in the tomb but the tomb is not unoccupied. When the women entered the tomb they saw a young man dressed in white sitting there and they were afraid. He said, ‘don’t be afraid for you are looking of Jeuss the Nazarene who was crucified. He has risen! He is not here. Go and tell his disciples.”
                Then the angel tells them where Jesus is going- into Galilee
and this is where you will see him. This statement tells us that he appeared to people at a specific time and space. So the women leave- the empty tomb, the grave clothes and the message of the angel had a profound effect on these women. They were filled with hope and joy and excitement. They were transported from despair into something beyond imagining. So they went out and spread this rumor of hope but it is the only durable rumor of hope the world has ever known.
                Jesus appeared to Mary Magdalene. According to John’s gospel, after the other women left the tomb, Mary Magdalene lingered. It was in the early morning light that Jesus appeared to her, called her by name. She ran with the news and Peter and John came to the tomb saw the grave clothes and believed.
                According to Mark’s account of the resurrection –the women believed although they did not see. They saw an empty tomb and grave clothes. They did not see Jesus—only Mary did a little later.
Peter wrote “Though you have not seen him you love him, and even though you do not see him now, you believe in him and are filled with an inexpressible and glorious joy.” (I Peter 1:8)
                What about you? We have not seen the risen Lord, for he departed this realm of visible things many centuries ago. But we have testimony, evidence and the scriptures. Acts 1:3- “He presented himself to them and gave many convincing proofs that he was alive.” These proofs persuade the intellect and encourage the soul. They awaken hope within us just as those women found their hope awakened in the empty tomb.
                Durable rumor—the only one the world has ever known. But for those who have not yet heard this rumor, the world is still a dark place, as empty of hope as that terrible Saturday between the cross and the resurrection. We have this rumor to share with the world—we need to tell others! It is not a rumor- but by faith we believe!

God we thank you that by faith we believe that Jesus rose from death and is present with us in hope. Help us to tell this story in faith and with love. Enable us to know and grow in our faith with you. You love us so much that Jesus lived, died and rose again for our sakes. We believe, help our unbelief to grow. Amen.
Resource:  (based upon) Ray Stedman, “A Rumor of Hope: The Good News of Easter” Discovery House Publishers, Our Daily Bread Ministries, 2017. (p.29-32)

Thank you for your patience—these past two weeks have been filled with many pastoral and personal care days!

Watch next week for a new series of Reflections!

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