Sunday 25 March 2018

Are you worth it? Are you worth knowing, respecting and loving? Do you love yourself?

Hurting, Healing and Hope
Wednesday, March 14 2018

                Are you worth it? Are you worth knowing, 
respecting and loving? Do you love yourself?
Have you ever denied your own emotions or told to do so? Or if you do get angry then you need help? Men and women are emotional beings but often we are told to deny these feelings in order to get ahead or to mature properly.
Anger is not a sin (Ephesians 4:26) we need to recognize and respect chunks of our emotions because if we do this we often turn to ways which become addictions as they serve as emotional anesthetics.
Addictions produce a pleasurable mood change yet they also bring problems—they wear off and cause you to get greedy. They may also add to your pain.
Life is filled with pain and the more we refuse to face our feelings and this pain we will keep searching for a fix. Some of these are ‘approved’ addictions—shopping, overspending, physical care,
Change= new choices and consistent practice
Healing Self-concept and Perfectionism
·         Learn the difference between self- focus and self-awareness
·         Begin learning who you really are  James 1:23
·         Redefine yourself and key people in your life from a more mature and truthful perspective
Changing Self- inflicted Needs-denial Wounds
Truth honouring ways to respect your legitimate needs:
·         Learn to identify long denied needs
·         Purposefully identify, engage and extend your support system into a helping network
·         Begin to see yourself as clean (I John 1:7)
·         Respect your body
·         Schedule time for you
There are 4 key issues to consider about healing from Self- inflicted wounds:
1)      Performance based worth
2)      Perfectionism
3)      Denying my own needs
4)      Denying my real feelings
QUESTIONS: What truths do you see in these issues for you?
What choices do you have and can make about change in your life
What new practices are you willing to try as you progress through changes in your life?

God of love, I am your child and I believe you love me no matter what. Thank you Jesus for you are my Saviour and you have loved me so much you died to forgive me. Help me now as I continue to heal and find a new me for you to love even more! Amen.
Resource:  (based upon) Dr. Sandra D Wilson, Hurt People Hurt People, Discovery House Publishers, 2001. Ch.8  

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