Friday 24 June 2016

I am “N” ---Stories of Faithfulness

I am “N” ---Stories of Faithfulness

                The book “I Am N” contains many stories of people from
around the world who came to fully understand the meaning of the cost of discipleship. Their stories of courage, sacrifice, joy, perseverance and forgiveness enable us to question our faith and give us reason to pray about whether our faith is strong enough to move us forward. Or would we give in and give up.
Habila Adamu and his family lived in Nigeria and were awakened at night by intruders wearing robes and masks and carrying an AK47. They were there to do the work of Allah but Habila knew that soon his faith would be asked and tested and so he prayed silently. He was asked his name, where he worked and whether he was police or military. He was then asked the important question Are you a Christian or Muslim? He answered, “I am a Christian.”  The man stated that we are offering you a better life if you will only say the shahada which is the Islamic profession of faith. But he did not. He was asked again. Habila did not say anything. The one holding the gun raised the barrel of the rifle to Habila’s head. Habila told his wife, “The death of a Christian is a great gain, not a loss.”
The intruders asked for all the money and because they had hardly anything the gunman lowered the barrel to Habil’a mouth. The bullet passed through his mouth; he fell to the floor. The wife screamed and the boy burst into tears. The intruders left thinking the man was dead.But Habila was still alive when his wife bent over him and whispered, I am still alive. Please get help.  No police would come; but the neighbours took the man to the hospital by 6 a.m. Habila was scheduled to have a bone graft to repair his cheekbone. However they were stunned to see that his cheekbone had healed. He was all right; He recovered and began to share his story. And when he does, Habila speaks of forgiveness.
Habila prays—God, forgive them. God, forgive them.  How does say this? Because Christ is love and the God he serves is love and he commands us to do the same.
In North America we have the gift and hope and promise of living with religious freedom. We pray for peace for our brothers and sisters who believe in Christ and who seek forgiveness for those who have wronged them. It is difficult for us to understand. But they do this so that they might live and know that Christ is looking after them.
Habila speaks with conviction when his faith is tested. Habila speaks with courage as he shot in front of his wife and son. And being left for dead, he seeks help. His life was spared and now he is able to tell his story and how he forgives the one who shot him.
I wonder would we—forgive that man who shot us in front of our family members? Would we speak the words of forgiveness when we are so tested about whether we live or die?
How does Habila’s story inspire you to forgive others? Why?
Thank you for Habila’s story and his active forgiveness for others who seek to follow Christ. Enable us to grow in faith like his and show us what it means to live for you in our every day lives.   Show us what it means to forgive. Amen.

The Voice of the Martyrs    I am N: Inspiring Stories of Christians Facing Islamic Extremists. Colorado Springs, CO:  David C. Cook Publishing 2016.  (p. 202-204)  Next week we will conclude this series on this book of modern martyrs who live for Christ.

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