O Lord, you have searched me and you know me. You know when I sit and
when I rise; you perceive my thoughts from afar. You discern my going out and
my lying down;
you are familiar with all my
ways. Psalm 139:1-3
for Who I Am

your temptations have been in drinking too much, doing drugs or breaking
marriage vows with another person. In these you would not boast but God does
love you and help you to stop with the temptations and aid you in finding
better relationships than harming yourself or others closest to you. For the
most important relationship is you and God and how God can change your life.
was a short man who was a tax collector who cheated many out of their wages.
When Jesus met Zacchaeus and told the crowd that salvation had come to him. The
crowd did not receive this news easily. But because Jesus stood with that man
and told them what his intentions were to repay what he had cheated and more,
they listened. For before Jesus could state this he went to Zacchaeus’ house, and
connected with him and built up a trusting relationship. Jesus was available to
those who needed him so desperately- not to totally solve the problems but to
be open, compassionate, ready to talk, ready to teach, ready to help as needed
and able. This is what loving others in the name of Christ means.
of the primary roles we have as Christians is to be in fellowship with God and
his Son, Jesus. Because we are unique individuals, we must remain true to
ourselves as people- not being cookie clutter Christians expected to put on
heirs or play a special role. A healthy church is made up of people with a full
range of emotions, intellect, free will and the ability to function
independently. God has crated each person individually in his own image. He has
given us many unique gifts that he wants us to develop in service to him.
But in order to do this effectively we
need to build the relationship we each have with Jesus and learn to care about
the other person who shares our faith and worship of God.
Jesus calls us to be in
relationship with him. How are you building up your relationship with Jesus? Do
you pray, read about Jesus’ life and teachings in the Bible do you discuss or
listen to teachings about Jesus? Are you in a community of faith that focuses
on your relationship with Jesus or something else? Pray for all of these for
this is why Jesus calls you to him.
Wonderful God, you made us unique
unto ourselves yet in your image. Help us to be and become the people you want
us to be. Not clones of each other, but unique individuals who are in
relationship with you and Jesus. Show us how to love others because of the love
you have for us. We ask in Jesus’ name. Amen.
This reflection is based upon ideas
of by Stephen Arterburn and Jack Felton More Jesus Less Religion: Moving
from Rules to Relationship. Colorado Springs, Co: Waterbrook
Press,2000. Chapter 2
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