Despite Doubt: Following
God in Trust

Faith starts from
assurance and proceeds to risk. We enthusiastically take the chance of
commitment when we are certain we have a word from the Lord. Counterfeit faith
starts from uncertainty and leaps for assurance.
A faithful life-is
both less and more remarkable than many Christians know. It is less because the
Christian life has never been about jumping off temples but about the daily
response to obey. To love your neighbour day after day requires an act of God.
Colossians 3:17, 23-24 states rules of Christian households. We have doubts
about God and our relationship with Him but knowing God in faith helps us in
our everyday world
Paul wrote “I know
whom I have believed and am convinced that he is able to guard what I have
entrusted to him for that day. (2 Tim.1:12) Paul’s faith motivated him to visit
Spain. It was his confidence in God which he believed inspired him to try. Paul
followed Christ as a believer, His life forever changed and he walked in
faithfulness knowing that God was with him. What about you?
moment and respond:
Do you trust Jesus
to show you the way? How can you tell if you are relying on Jesus? Which requires faith: to sell your
possessions and become a missionary in a foreign country or to support your
family by dependably showing up for your regular job?
Teller writes “When you… step into the darkness of the unknown, faith is
knowing that one of two things shall happen: either you will be given something
solid to stand on, or you will be taught how to fly.”
Are you willing to
step into the darkness of everyday unknowing? Are you willing to experience
Christ’s light?
“Trust and obey, for there’s no other way, to
be happy in Jesus—than to trust and obey”—Do these words of an old hymn reflect
your faith?
Wonderful God you
call us to follow you in faith, but sometimes we wonder what this means. We are
reminded that we must trust you and obey you in faith like Jesus did. Call us
to follow you and speak to us as we strive to follow in faith. Hear us O God as
we discern your will for our lives. Amen.
Michael E Wittmer, Despite
Doubt: Embracing a Confident Faith ch.13-16
PLEASE NOTE: Apparently these
reflections were not sent out via email throughout the months of July and
August however, they were posted to our website on a regular basis. If you
would like to read the preceding reflections focusing on Wittmer’s book please
go to and
click on for Social Media—Rev Dr Catherine’s blog and these are listed there.
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