The Great Reversal

Belonging: People
are in search of community. Jesus asked the disciples to follow him (Mark
1;16-20) and they belonged to a new
community. People no longer join—they join in. This means that when we join in
our heart leads the way. But how do we join in- by finding out about each other
and who we are and what we like/ dislike.
Behaving- The
early followers of Jesus practised their faith. They listened to stories that
taught them how to act toward one another and what to do in the world. These
actions induced wonder, gave them courage empowered hope and opened up a new
vision of God. By doing things together, they began to see differently. Jesus
shouted, “Follow me” to the fishermen—he did not state “Have faith”. He
demonstrated what he wanted them t do, he did it with them and then sent them
out to do it themselves telling them to proclaim God’s reign and cure the sick.
Believing- Before
Peter’s confession of Jesus as the Messiah (Matthew 16:13-20) Jesus practised
hospitality. Before asking Peter “Who do you say that I am?” Jesus reminds them
of this act of miraculous hospitality, saying that the action pointed to
greater spiritual realities of God’s power and presence in the world. That is,
Peter’s participation in community and their shared practice set the stage for
Peter’s statement of faith.
Being a people,
practicing faith, and professing a story of God. This is the method of church
families in the 21st century. It is called Experiential Christianity
which is the age of the Spirit when faith as a way of life or a guiding compass
has once again begun. The experience of the divine is displacing theories about
REFLECT for a moment:
Your experience of
church- belonging, or believing—which came first?When did Jesus’ story start?
When did your sense of community come into mean church?
Holy God, we praise
you for your gift to us—communities that care and people who believe in you and
show us your way. Help us to understand and bring hope once again to all who
are searching for community, belonging and understanding you. In Jesus’ name we
pray. Amen.
Diana Butler-Bass Christianity
after Religion: the end of church and the birth of a new spiritual awakening. .New
York Harper2012 (chapter7)
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