Speaking Christian in
our Journey
John 20-21

Many people understand that Easter
is the physical event in which God raised Jesus body from death to life. The
tomb where his body laid was empty when the women went to mourn and when the
disciples went to see as well. The tomb was empty because God raised Jesus to
life. Jesus is the Son of God and this signifies Easter as the defining time
when death was defeated not only for Jesus, but for all who believe in him.
“Christ has died, Christ is risen.
Christ will come again.” This is the Memorial Affirmation referring to Jesus’
life, death and resurrection. But what does this mean for us today? Jesus was
also reported to have appeared in ways that transcend the physical. He appears
to the disciples in a locked room, as a stranger to two of his followers who do
not recognize and then he disappears.
The question we need to ask is what did it mean for Jesus followers in
the first century to say that God raised Jesus from the dead? And what does it
mean for us? Jesus lives. Jesus is Lord
Jesus lives. Many Christians have
had experiences of Jesus- in visions, and mystical experiences others in
quieter ways. Jesus is Lord and is a divine reality that is one with God. This
feature distinguishes experiences for the Post Easter Jesus from other
experiences of somebody who has died because Jesus’ presence is continuous in
those who believe.
Luke 24:5 “The angels at the tomb
ask the women who have come to anoint his body, “Why do you look for the living
among the dead? He is not here, but has risen.” Jesus is not in the land of the
dead—but alive for evermore. The key question for us as we continue to observe
Holy Week is whether we believe in Jesus and whether he is alive for you.
REFLECTION: Do you believe that Christ is risen? Physically? Would it make a difference to your faith if in time someone discovered bones that belonged to Jesus? Why and How? What does it mean to believe that Christ is present with us now?
May the grace of God be with you as
you celebrate new life in Jesus this Easter!
Please reflect and respond to these questions as you share
pray for your understanding.
Please respond to http://revcathysblog.blogspot.ca/
God of hope and
everlasting life, we praise you for Jesus’ life, death and resurrection for
through Jesus we have been gifted with hope and love. We thank you for prophecy
fulfilled and the joy that comes through the symbols of Easter- an empty tomb,
eggs for new life and the hope of eternal life. Be with us as we worship you
now and always. Amen
Borg’s book invites us to explore
Christian terms and phrases which help us to define our faith in Jesus Christ.
He presents different perspectives of Christians through history as he
describes the words the phrases that for many of us have a special meaning yet
we cannot always articulate. This is the last in this series of Reflections on
Borg’s book at this time. Watch for a new series on Christianity and Religion
beginning next week.
Marcus J. Borg, Speaking
Christian: Why Christian Words Have
Lost Their Meaning and Power- and how they can be restored, Detroit: Gale
Cengage Learning, 2012.
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