“The Cost of Discipleship”
Luke 14:25-35

then tells two brief stories. The first one is of a careless builder. One who
does not estimates the costs of supplies and labour or considers the ground on
which he builds. The second, wise builder estimates the cost to see if he has
enough money to complete it. He will also make careful evaluation of the costs,
risks and resources. The unfinished structure of the first builder will be
visible evidence of impulsive commitment and his failure will expose him to
ridicule. Applying this to discipleship enables us to understand that it is not
a casual or occasional activity. Enthusiasm is important but more is needed in
order to sustain one with Christ’s experience of the cross. It is an exciting
adventure but it is also draining and demanding.
second parable describes a king who is being invaded by an army twice its size.
Should there be resistance at what cost? His position and resources may be
enough but what if he fights and loses? Time to decide is imminent and so he
must weigh the risks, make a choice and live with the consequences. Jesus’
point is not only the cost of discipleship, but the consequences of refusing
discipleship. Choice is inevitable. Not becoming a disciple is to miss the
privilege of knowing and following Jesus.
What is your decision? Are you willing to give and follow Jesus?
Discipleship involves daily acts of giving all things to Christ. Are we willing
to do this?
Holy and loving Lord, we thank you
that you want us to follow you to live for you to be your disciple. Help us to
do so and to strive to live faithfully in your way always. Hear us as we pray.
cost of discipleship involves both commitment and looking at the consequences.
Are you choosing to follow actively or to drift as you see fit? Count the cost
of discipleship—are you careless or careful?
Consider the consequences- to delay is to not know Christ Jesus! Is being a disciple of Christ worth this?
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