Then Jesus declared, “I am the bread of life. He who
comes to me will never go hungry and he who believes in me will never be
thirsty…All that the Father gives me will come to me and whoever comes to me I
will never drive away.” John 6:35,37

But how does one come to Jesus and
renew one’s commitment in faith?
Jesus issued an invitation for
individuals to come to him and follow him. We read in John 6 that this invitation
enables those who do come to him to not go hungry or thirsty, and if we follow
through and live each day as Jesus asks, we will be filled with Christ’s Spirit
which will guide and support us our whole lives.
When one does come to Christ what do we find?
All that we need- life and even life more abundant than we ever sought
possible. Jesus does not tell us that we will never struggle again, but does
say to us that even in those moments when we have doubts, conflicts, fears and
struggles we still can come to Him. And he will hear us, walk with us and
enable us to work through all of these. But we must come to him, first.
love was shown when he stretched out his hands on the cross and died for us. We
need now to realize that he died for us so that we do not have to die to be
reconciled with God. Jesus is God’s gift to us so that this reconciliation can
take place. All that needs to be done is for us to commit ourselves to Christ.
Christ loves us and has broken down every barrier to God. We can be fully
forgiven of sin if we come to Christ and know God through love.
calls. Jesus calls. It is up to you to come. Just as you are.
of love and grace given in Jesus Christ, we praise you for your love has
enabled us to draw closer to Jesus and with each other. You call and we answer.
Help us now to know what comes next- a faithful commitment in Jesus as we seek
one another and joy with each other in Jesus. Hear us we pray. Amen.
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