“Create in me a pure
heart, O God, and renew a steadfast
spirit within me.”
Psalm 51

This is from the liturgy for Ash Wednesday as we
prepare for the season of Lent. Shrove
Tuesday, Mardi Gras, Pancake and Pacski Day are different names for the day
before this as a preparation for Lent. Shrove Tuesday is the day set aside to
ensure that all the heavier oil and egg products would be eaten prior to
experiencing the ashes upon one’s head marking the beginning of Lent on Wednesday.
During Lent many people choose not to eat the heavier foods as we remember the
time of Jesus preparation for ministry in the wilderness and eat less or no
meat, fish on Fridays and on Sundays have a festival day. This routine for the
forty days from Ash Wednesday to Easter enables people to reflect upon who they
are as they walk with Jesus. It is also a time to renew one’s faith and to
focus on spiritual growth.
What does Ash Wednesday remind us of? We are
reminded that we were each created from God and
our life’s journey will end in our bodies dying and being returned to
the ground. The ashes placed on foreheads by some of our brothers and sisters
in Christ are the burned palm branches from last year’s palm branches and they
remind us of Jesus’ journey into Jerusalem with shouts of Hosanna and how these
shouts changed to crucify in just a few short days.
Ash Wednesday reminds us that we are to be humble
before God and that we will one day die and need to be ready to see Jesus. Ash
Wednesday marks the beginning of this Lenten season of self learning sharing
and wonder. What is it that you are seeking in this Lenten journey?
PRAYER: Loving God
ashes remind us of destruction after fire and remnants of what was once alive.
Help us this day to know who you are as we are reminded that one day we shall
die and at that time of death we will be called to account for our lives.
During this season of Lent help us to draw closer to you, to seek your love and to grow with you as we walk together in faith and with hope. Be with us in the wilderness walk of faith. Amen.
During this season of Lent help us to draw closer to you, to seek your love and to grow with you as we walk together in faith and with hope. Be with us in the wilderness walk of faith. Amen.
tradition for Lent is to give up something. A challenge is to do something
different by giving to others. What will you give up or how will you give? And
why is this important for you during this Lenten season.
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