Eureka! I Get it!
Wednesday, February 6, 2019
You are my Son, whom I
love; with you I am well pleased. Luke
this season after Epiphany we read through the stories of God
reveals to those at the Jordan River, His Son Jesus.
Jesus and how under
certain circumstances God reveals to those around him, who he is. At Jesus’
baptism heaven was opened and the Holy Spirit descended on him in bodily form
like a dove. The voice from heaven spoke and stated, “You are my Son, whom I
love; with you I am well pleased.”
At the wedding in Cana, Jesus,
his closest friends and his mother Mary are feasting at the banquet. Wine has
been enjoyed by all the gifts and Mary in her concern for the hosts of the
wedding feast tells Jesus that they are running low. Jesus objects to getting
him involved but the servants listen to his instructions. Jesus uses water and
water jugs and it becomes good wine. Good to serve to the guests at the wedding
which will now continue without embarrassment. But only a few realize what has
occurred—the servants, Jesus, Mary and maybe the master of the banquet.
At the synagogue Jesus reads
from Isaiah and announces that the words he is reading are about him. He is the
fulfillment of the prophet. Many hear this, are stunned and then grow angry.
They start talking amongst themselves and the temperature rises so much so that
Jesus leaves.
Who is Jesus? From these stories
Jesus is being introduced by God to the people in Jesus’ life. Jesus’ mother
Mary knows who he is and encourages him to help at a wedding. God speaks at his
baptism and when Jesus acknowledges Isaiah’s prophecy being fulfilled he is
unsure of what to do.
But do you know what to do as
you hear the stories of Jesus being introduced? Do you make connections with
him? Can you relate to this man who is the Savour? Are you ready to follow him-
yet? What else does God or jesus need to do to show you who he is and can be in
your life?
We know that soon after his
baptism, he was tempted but it was after this he acknowledged his life’s
purpose. He realize there was no going back to the carpentry shop. He had to go
forward with God’s plan for his life. He then called his disciples who seemed
more ready for an adventure then they really understood what was happening. But
they followed anyway.
An epiphany
is when something- makes sense, a discovery is made, an understanding is made
clear and then next steps are taken. Have you experienced this with Jesus’
presence in your life? Are you able to know how you can and do connect with
Jesus? Do you understand why God’s voice spoke at his baptism and acknowledged
his presence? Do you know this Jesus who
was rejected in his own synagogue and walked out? Will you reject him too? Or
will you shout I finally get this man/ saviour as my own? I just need to have
faith and believe!
God your
Spirit is upon all who hear the message of Jesus as Saviour and lord. But there
are many who need to respond and receive this message in faith and with hope in
order to state fully, “I Get it”. In faith O God I believe and pray for those
who are uncertain, or who just don’t get what having faith in you really means.
Help us O God as we struggle in faith to know you and to grow closer to you.
Hear our
prayers O God. Amen.