God’s Power
Barclay wrote, “The Christian hope is the hope
which has seen everything and
endured everything, and has still not despaired, because it believes in God.
The Christian hope is not hope in the human spirit, in human goodness, in human
endurance, in human achievement; the Christian hope is hope in the power of
God. This is the hope that we need to
revive when we feel that our power has been taken away. But how do we recognize
God’s Power?
creative power of God to speak into existence the world we inhabit and explore
demonstrates God’s unique power. Hebrews
11:3 and Psalm 33:6 and 9 describe God’s creative power—out of nothing the
worlds were made; God spoke and it was done.
supernatural power enabled the Nile River to turn into blood, when the sun
stood still for Moses, when Jesus walked on the water, turned water into wine,
etc people saw the miracles yet were they miracles or supernatural power of God
being demonstrated. Miracles are the
glimpses of restoration.
transformative power involves the conversion of Saul of Tarsus to Paul and even
in modern times—C.S. Lewis a former atheist! The New Testament shows changes in
people and in culture. None of the early Christians were powerful and often
they were unpopular, persecuted and maligned. Yet within 300 years Rome became
power—comes from God and can only be used when He wants to show it. This is
usually when we are weak and we turn to God for help. Human weakness is the
perfect opportunity for God to demonstrate His power to accomplish anything
that is in His perfect will. Your greatest weakness can become the gateway to
God’s greatest demonstration of power in your life. 2 Cor 12:9. “My grace is sufficient for you for power is
perfected in weakness.” Paul responds, ”When I am weak, than I am strong!”
How much hope have you put in the power of
God in your own life? Why? In which areas have you expected or hope to
experience His power?
Have you ever experienced God’s
transforming power in your own life? What about in someone else’s life?
Do you rely and trust in God’s power now
and are you really trusting that God will/can raise us from the dead by His
PRAYER Holy God of grace and love we praise
you for the power you have to create all things, transform people and to show
us glimpses of your restorative love. We praise you that we might have hope
because of this power and your love. Speak to our hearts again as we seek you
and as we search for you in our every day living. Help us in our unbelief.
Reflection based upon Dan Schaeffer. The
power of weakness. Discovery House Publishers, 2014, p. 61-74.