Trusting a Sovereign
past Sunday we honoured and celebrated Jesus as the king
of kings and that God
is the one who rules in the hearts of those who believe. Reign of Christ Sunday
gathers all the ideas of Jesus birth, death and resurrection together and
invites us into honour and worship Jesus who is the Promised Son of God who
came and continues to be present in our live.
Gary Inrig has written in “True North” we should be focusing our entire lives
on God who directs our lives. But we must trust in God to show us what to do
and how to do it.
11 gives account of many people who lived lives of faith. They were not exempt
from trouble and suffering, but who lived loving God. Yet all were commended
for their faith and yet none of them received what had been promised- God had
planned something better (Hebrews 11:32-39) Even for Gideon, God planned more
but he too needed to live by faith in Him. But what do we learn from this
of faith receive God’s approval regardless of present outcomes. People of faith
trust God’s purposes. People of faith await God’s reward. And what is this
reward? To know and understand and receive the promises of God in Christ. We
are forgiven, born into God’s forever family and have the Spirit within us but
we are not yet home. One day we will return to God and we will see God. But we
must have this heart-deep confidence in God who loves us and gave Jesus His
book invited us to use navigational tools to reference our God, His Son and
theSpirit moving in us to a clearer understanding of faith and being faithful.
Today all we need to do is ‘google for maps/ directions’ and find out where we
need to drive. But in faith, what we still need is God- guiding us and showing
us the way. Generations of explorers traveled to places unknown with only a few
tools. They were the ones to draws the maps and yet they trusted that there
journey was not in vain.
maps and the Bible we too live a journey filled with many exciting and
wonderful opportunities, but we focus on the One who will guide us further than
we think it is possible. Let us discover Christ who calls us by faith, to love,
love and reach out to others. .
REFLECTION: By faith we have learned many things about
our God and about ourselves. What does this mean to you? How do you understand
navigating your way with God as your Morning Star, Christ your compass and
truly trusting the Spirit to sail into your life?
Loving God bless us we pray as we strive to live by faith in
this world where knowing you is not easy; searching for you is welcomed, and
reaching out in your name is a gift. Enable us to grow in faith for you as we
discover our way of living –today and in days ahead. Amen.
This reflection is based upon some
ideas offered by Gary Inrig in his book, True North: Discovering God’s Way
in a Changing World, Discovery House
Publishers, 2002; ch.12
Watch for a new series beginning
next week!