Despite Doubt: Belief

There are
challenges in this path because we have doubts in many situations and often
these are at the same time as when we question our unbelief. We wonder what it
is that we really know and believe.
what do you believe? If you look outside and see a dark cloud you might say
that I believe it will rain. But is this by interpretation or is this based on
knowledge? Just what do you think? Based on black clouds forming in the sky and
the winds which pick up, it will most likely rain. Because this is its usual
pattern to do. But to believe it—is knowledge which is trustworthy.
about God? Hebrews 11:6 Anyone who comes
to God must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who earnestly seek
him. Mark 9:22-24. A father brings his
son to Jesus to be healed. He put his fears and frustration directly to Jesus.
If you can do anything, take pity on us and help us. Jesus responds: If you
can? Everything is possible for him who believes. The father quickly corrected
himself. “I do believe, help me overcome my unbelief.”
faith influences belief. And so we might find ourselves between these
places—unbelief and faith. But it is how we respond to what occurs that enables
us to grow.
need to doubt/ to question as a believer. Doubt is the stumbling pursuit of
faith. We lurch between faith and unbelief all the time. By our troubled
questions, it still shows that we still believe a lot.
Luther struggled with doubts about his salvation. He sought full purity before
God often badgering his confessors with trivialities of sin. He doubted
salvation could be bought and wrote against these ideas in order to open
dialogue. This lead to the Reformation of the Church and to the truth that we
are justified by grace alone.
if Luther had not struggled with doubts where would we be today? Doubt is not
the enemy of faith because we may respond with hope and gratitude because of
moment and respond:
If it is true that
our choices and actions influence our beliefs, what have your choices, for
better or worse, set you up to believe? Are you overwhelmed by doubt? Pretend
for a moment that you don’t believe in God, Jesus or the Bible, What new doubts
must you struggle with then? What steps can you take to maintain a thankful,
hopeful attitude despite your doub?
Wonderful God, I
believe in you and your unconditional love for me. Help me to grow in knowledge
and faith and to see that through faith in you I may continue to grow closer to
the One who died and rose for me. I believe O God, help my unbelief. Hear my
prayer as speak to me in the silence of my heart. Amen.
Michael E Wittmer, Despite
Doubt: Embracing a Confident Faith ch.8,9,10