Despite Doubt: Skepticism

Skepticism has
risen around the world as we seek answers to the world around us and in us. The
world has become more secular that is away from God but whether the people
return to God is yet to be seen. We are
living in a different time when skepticism seems to override belief. We seem to
start from skepticism and will only believe in God if we find enough evidence
to prove His existence. We still may believe in God but we must fight our way
there. Why is it so difficult to believe today? Why does the Christian faith
seem like it is merely one option among many and how did we get here?
Modern science was
based on a biblical worldview. People were given authority to ‘rule over the
fish of the sea and the birds of the air and over every living creature that
moves on the ground.’(Genesis 1:28) Scientists have lead us to study all
matters but in some ways these achievements {might} have cost us spiritually.
The more power we gained over nature, the less we thought we needed God. “We studied nature because God commanded us,
but we got so good at it we supposed we could take His place.” (p.20)
believed in God to watch over us but lived far away and did not interfere with our
lives. The belief that God no longer intervened in our world spread. And with
it our dependence on God seems to have been displaced. Skepticism arises. We
want to believe in God; we just don’t think we can. We are skeptical of God.
moment and respond:
Are you skeptical
about God’s existence? What causes you to think God is no longer present in
this world? What enables you to believe? Do you think that modern science has
lead us to become skeptical of God’s existence? Why?
Wonderful God we
pray to you without a doubt that you exist but there seems to be skepticism as
to how you exist today. Do you inspire our scientists to discover new things
about your creation? Do you merely provide the world and walk away? Enable us
to understand from where you came, where you are right now and help us to
dispel the doubt and believe in you so that we may trust you to light our way
in this life and in the next. Be with us we pray. Amen.
Michael E Wittmer, Despite
Doubt: Embracing a Confident Faith ch.2