Be With You”
John 20:21-22
A joyous celebration normally awaits
every participant when they approach the finish line of a marathon. But in Boston, participants were
quickly escorted away from bombs which had exploded and left three people dead.
One of the individuals died soon after and the second person responsible for
these bombs has now been arrested. Why did they do this? Power? Money? Greed?
No one seems to know.
A VIA rail train in Toronto is stopped by RCMP officers with
their knowledge of a possible attack with the intension of killing hundreds of
individuals. Why?
Schools are put on lockdown because
of a bomb threat or intruder present. What is happening with our communities,
our cities our way of life? Where is peace?
Jesus told the disciples that He is
the way, the truth and the life. He is also the Source of all Peace. But how
can we have peace in the midst of these attacks, threats and bombs in places
where people gather to go about their daily routines? How does one acknowledge that
peace is possible when there are people threatening and killing lives of
innocent? One must have faith and believe that there is more to life on this
earth. And this is the basis of our faith. Knowing that Jesus will bring peace
in our hearts and minds if we but trust in him.
Jesus also told his disciples on the
beach while they had breakfast that he loved them. He also told Peter to “Take
care of my sheep.” We need to be reminded of how we take care of each other in
Jesus’ name. WE need to remember that through Jesus peace is possible not only
in our hearts- but in our world and we need to care for each other with the
love of Christ.
In the midst of terrorist attacks,
threats and bombings; babies are born, flowers grow and bloom and life
continues. How we equip ourselves to face these situations is a matter of faith
and knowledge and of acting out this love of Jesus with others.
Let us continue to pray for peace.
Peaceful God of
hope we pray for those whose lives have been affected by terrorist acts and
destruction. WE pray for healing of those caught in the midst of explosions and
uncertainty of life. We pray O God for peace and know in our hearts that it is
possible but only through you and with us as your hands and feet on this earth.
Bring us your
peace as Jesus gave it to his disciples. Enable us to take care of your people
and help us to discern in our hearts the ability to live and laugh and be who
you have intended us to be. We ask this in the name of the Prince of Peace.
At this moment,
what do you think should happen to those accused of threatening riders on the
VIA train? What do you think we should do as faithful Christians as we strive
to bring peace to all people?
Have you found
your peace today?