Wednesday 9 January 2019

The Benediction of Love:

Bless You
Wednesday, January 9, 2018
The Benediction of Love:
“Peace to the brothers and love with faith from God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ. Grace to all who love our Lord Jesus Christ with an undying love.” Ephesians 6:23-24

                Christian love is an act of the will; it means treating
others the way the Lord treats us. Christian love isn’t a fuzzy feeling that we piously work up; it’s a precious fruit that the Holy Spirit produces in our hearts as we walk in the will of God. In this benediction, Paul mentions three recipients of Christian love whom we must not ignore.
1)      Beloved co-workers Paul depends on his co-workers and appreciates them. There are at least 36 men and women named by Paul.   Paul’s first task with his co-workers is to love them and pray for them. He then shared his plans and helped them to find God’s will. He knew that the church needs everyone to work together and all are co-workers in Jesus’ name.
2)      Beloved church congregations  The three essentials for a vibrant church—peace, love and faith. No church is perfect because people are not perfect but what is essential is to be filled with the Spirit and not imitating the world.
3)      Beloved Saviour and Lord   Loving Jesus is essential for successful Christian ministry. We need to first love Jesus before we love the lost and each other. For it is in Jesus that we will find joy. Grace, peace and faith bind together the hearts of believers who love Jesus with an undying love.
If we truly love Jesus we will love one another and give all the glory to God. Worship and service will exalt Jesus and not the minister or church. Undying love for Jesus leads to unchanging love for one another, unwavering faith in the promises of God, unfailing grace to meet every need and unbelievable peace among the children of God.
How much do you love others, yourself and Jesus? When we truly believe in Jesus and what he has done for us, our love for him must be first as we strive to minister to others. So when we offer a blessing of love to others we are doing so because of the Love we have for Jesus and He for us. How relevant is this for you today as you begin 2019? Are there people whom you are unsure about whether you should reach out to them? Or are you afraid to put your love of Jesus on the line? When blessings are shared- all is renewed and faith is restored. How much do we believe this? Are we willing to show others the love we have for Jesus?
PRAYER Holy God, bless us with your love, peace, joy and hope for we are believers and truly love you, Jesus our Saviour and the Spirit which continues to guide us always. Show us your way to reach out and bless others. We ask in Jesus’ name. Amen.
RESOURCE: Warren W. Wiersbe.   Bless You: Receiving and Sharing the Blessings of the Lord. Grand Rapids, MI: Our Daily Bread Ministries, 8th printing- 2018. (p 93-98)          

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