Friday 31 May 2019

Teach us to Pray

Teach us to Pray
How  to Pray

                Jesus prayed and taught his disciples to pray.
As believers, we are called to pray because this is the way we communicate with God. We may not understand exactly how prayer works but we know that God asks us to come to him. When John the Baptist was preparing the way for Jesus, he taught his followers the tradition of prayer. Even though the disciples of Jesus were Jewish and would have memorized the Psalms and shared in Sabbath prayers or their lives, praying in their every day was not how they lived. Remembering that this was a time before all could read and write the disciples wanted to know how to pray.
                Prayer is a lifetime pursuit. Even those who have prayed their entire lives have not truly mastered having meaningful interactions with God. Jesus’ response to this question is in how he teaches them to pray what we know as “The Lord’s Prayer” which begins “Our Father,..”
                Prayer to our Father- “Father” refers to God as the Creator. God the Father is in relationship with us his children and even though we might not all feel comfortable saying Our “FATHER” we might remember that God as a loving parent is always with us- we who are connected as brothers and sisters. So we pray in community with each other.
                Pray in Jesus’ name. Often we end our prayers saying “In Jesus’ name, Amen.” We read in John 14:13 “And I will do whatever you ask in my name, so that the Father may be glorified in the Son” When we pray in Jesus’ name we speak not in our own power but in the name of the One who has all authority in heaven and earth. Our lives and prayers must align with that which honours Christ.
                Pray in the Spirit, The Spirit helps us in our weakness especially in those time when we might be conflicted as to what to ask for. The Spirit intercedes for us through wordless groans from our hearts.  The Spirit is the intercessor our helper when we don’t know what to say or when our prayers don’t seem perfect. The Spirit knows our hearts and knows the Father and in that gap the Spirit is.
                Approach God Confidently. When we pray we are to approach God filled with confidence so that we may receive mercy and grace from God who will help us in our times of need.
                Pray continually. We are to live in constant conversation with the One who loves us. We address Him when we wake up; we worship Him when we see the sunrise; we give thanks for our daily bread at breakfast; we praise Him for work and ask for skill in engaging in it; we pray that our love will abound and that God will use us to share the gospel; we lament over broken relationship and we talk to Him about traffic while driving. We may seek His guidance and strength when challenged, or impatient or needing to comfort another person. We pray for our government, country and world leaders. As long as we are awake we invite Him into our lives.
                We are also to pray in devotion, alertness and with thanks. Paul’s instruction to the Colossians tell us to ‘devote yourselves to prayer being watchful and thankful.” This means to be set apart and ready. We are also to be thankful otherwise we are only making a shopping list of what we want and need. Prayer consists of praise, lament, confession, requests for others and for ourselves and thanks.
                Pray without using words—silence, sitting or standing in an attitude of quiet and waiting in God’s presence. Silent prayer is reflective of “Be still and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth.” Ps 46:9-10.
How do you pray and for what/whom? Jesus’ disciples wanted and needed to learn to pray and we all learn and continue to learn about prayer because it is our way of communicating with God. But how do you pray? What do you say or do you keep silence? How does praying help you grow in your relationship with Jesus- God- Spirit?
PRAYER Our FATHER God  of love we praise you and thank you for the gift of prayer. We thank you that Jesus took the time to teach his disciples about prayer. We thank you that Paul also wrote about the need for prayers in our lives not just occasionally but continually1 help us to delve into our being and share our thoughts and feelings with you so that you will answer with love and hope. We ask in Jesus’ name. Amen
RESOURCE:  Sandra Glahn, “Teach Us to Pray,” Grand Rapids, MI: Our Daily Bread Ministries, p.19-29.

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