Thursday 15 October 2015

Worrying About What is To Come

Worrying About What is To Come
“Do not worry about your life…”
Matthew 6:25-34
The days are shorter, the leaves are falling off trees and there
is a chill in the air. How do we understand this in between season of autumn when it is not as pleasant, often raining and even just miserable before winter sets in? It is a time of transition and like the squirrels running about to store food for the winter, we often look to what lies ahead for us- with cold, snow of winter and we worry as we anticipate the storms which will keep us indoors and off roads. We worry about what is to come when in essence we cannot control it, nor can we predict it. All we can do is to live through it and to do so with faith.
With the Thanksgiving turkey now being made into soup or casseroles, and the morning dew mixing with fog, autumn is an in between time of reflecting on the wonderful summer days passed and the need to look for something to celebrate again. Halloween we know is not too far away but as a celebration it is not one for a big meal or gifts nor does everyone understand why children trick or treat or even why the chocolate bars are so small. We are mid way from summer to Chrsitmas and we worry.
We worry because of the changing seasons and the weather, we worry about the safety of people on the roads if they travel, and we worry whether we can do the regular tasks we are called to do or whether we need help, assistance or medication. We worry over what others are doing or thinking and we wonder we really should be doing as we go about our days.
Jesus teaches that worrying will do nothing to aid us in our life and worrying about our future will actually hurt us more than we realize. Yes we have certain needs to be met but when those needs are met are we satisfied? Or do we yearn for more and worry about it? Jesus says that those who do not believe are the ones who worry and those who believe are called to seek God’s kingdom and righteousness and everything we need will be given. We need not worry about tomorrow—just look after each day as it comes—one day at a time. Each day has enough trouble and I would also say blessings on its own. This we know is easy to hear but most difficult to follow. Yet as we know we are also to give thanks under all circumstances because God does bless us. Yet are we really giving God thanks as he so deserves? Maybe if we turn our worries into thanksgiving we will understand this in between time and wait with expectant hearts for God to act.

Holy One, we thank you for the many blessings we receive and we pray and hope that the worrying we do will be put aside in order to focus on these many blessings. Show us your way O God and teach us to know you as we seek to live following your way. We ask in Jesus’ name. Amen.

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