Friday 6 February 2015

Naïve Faith

Have nothing to do with godless myths and old wives’ tales;
 rather, train yourself to be godly. I Timothy 4:7

Naïve Faith
What kind of faith do you have? Is it healthy? That is do you
believe that God’s presence will be with us but that there are some dark places in this world? Or do you believe that everything is wonderful and you will never sin again?  Just what is your understanding of the reality of life and does it include seeing and accepting the truth about who you and I really are?  We are human and because of this we are falliable and can and will sin. We are the creatures and we are vulnerable, flesh and blood, men and women, God’s children and we must live by grace through faith every day of our lives.
We each need grace, encouragement, wisdom and mutual accountability every day of our lives to keep from being hardened or deceived by sin.
            Healthy vs naïve faith. When one has a healthy faith daily struggles with sinful nature and even relationship difficult are brought out into the light of Scripture and with care from brothers and sisters in Christ there is hope and prayer. If we deny our problems we deny reality and are unable to face real situations. Faith grows- and if we acknowledged when our faith is not healthy- denying the truth of how we have sinned- then our faith relationship with God will grow stronger. Believing that God with help us through the problems of life is a healthy faith. But hearing and believe that when a person becomes a Christian life will become easy is naïve. God will be there for us, but we too must think and feel and live our lives. We must choose the kind of faith we want.  Naïve faith asks, “If God is so loving, why does He allow my life to be so hard? Why does he force people to struggle so much and ultimately a question of faith—If there really were a God he would help”
            What kind of faith do you have? For generations, many churches taught that if one accepted Christ or believed in God all problems would vanish. This is not real.You will be tested and tried, you will have problems but if you truly have a healthy faith, God will walk with you through them and help you to grow stronger as you experience something new.
REFLECTION: What kind of faith do you have? Is everything good- always? Even God said, “It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper suitable for him.” Gen.2:18. When God created the world He declared it good. Yet not everything is good. And when things are not good- we need to take it to God in prayer and seek his wisdom and to have faith. “A loving God wants the best for us and is grieved when we miss it. True faith in him allows these bad things to be woven together in a protective covering that grows stronger in fiber and softer to the touch.” *
To whom do you turn when troubles arise? God is there if you believe and have real faith. Christ will guide you and encourage you no matter what you are facing.
Jesus said, “I have told you all this so that you will have peace of heart and mind. Here on earth you will have many trials and sorrows, but cheer up, for I have overcome the world.” John 16:33

God in whom I believe and have faith, help my unbelief about this world and the life I am living. Show me your love and guide me to live for you. Help me to be real about my faith in you and to know that you will never leave me. I ask this in praise and hope. Amen.

This reflection is based upon ideas of by Stephen Arterburn and Jack Felton More Jesus Less Religion: Moving from Rules to Relationship. Colorado Springs, Co: Waterbrook Press,2000.      * Quote from p. 13  Chapter 1

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